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INTERSECT Case Study Muskego Lakes Middle School

September 24, 2020
Muskego Lakes Middle School Case Study

The second case study in INTERSECT Volume I explores Muskego Lakes Middle School. In this building, each of the four grade levels—5th through 8th—are organized into separate “neighborhoods.”

This case study demonstrates how the neighborhood design at Muskego Lakes Middle School is supported by the Constructivist Theory of Learning, creating an enhanced learning environment for better student engagement and comprehension.

Constructivist Theory of Learning states that learning is best served when it is contextual, active, and social. Knowledge is best attained when students can build upon their current understanding and intellectual paradigm. For example, if a student has a rich contextual understanding of a topic, it is best to incorporate social and active learning styles of the same topic for the student to fully retain the concept. Additionally, social and active learning allows students to problem-solve and learn from one another, creating opportunities for a deeper understanding.1

The Muskego Lakes academic “neighborhoods” include five classrooms organized around a single resource space. Three of the five classrooms have sliding glass doors that open directly into the central resource area, allowing for an extended classroom with a seamless transition.

Illustration of three different ways to use the same space for learning, focusing on small-group collaboration, two classroom collaboration, and full grade gathering, at Muskego Lakes Middle School

These flexible and engaging neighborhoods empower learners to employ their strengths in all three modalities—social, active, and contextual—giving them opportunities for small group collaboration and hands-on learning.
To learn more about the Muskego Lakes Middle School project, click here.

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1 Brown, Malcom. “Learning Spaces.”, n.d.

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