School District of Horicon PreK-12 Building
This consolidation project added an elementary school to the existing middle and high school, saving the district money and resources.
Address the district’s changing student population
Consolidate the district’s buildings by adding an elementary school to the existing middle and high school facility
A truly unique PreK-12 building that better serves its community and responds to its rich natural environment
- The Daily Reporter Top Project Award

Fact Sheet
share projectServices Provided
Horicon, WISize
91,400 sq ft (addition), 16,100 sq ft (renovation)Construction Cost
$26,500,000Client Type

Elementary school addition
The Horicon area’s beautiful wetlands, woodlands, lakes and rivers, and drumlins inspired an “ecosystem” concept for each grade level, and elements of the building from graphics to the entryway tie in that sense of place.

Environmental branding
Marsh Pride
A wall mural in the high school commons features a custom illustrated topographic map of the Horicon marsh paired with signage and built-in student seating for an impactful, interactive branded environment.